

*Students Dr. Wooldridge directly supervised

**Students Dr. Wooldridge supervised for the paper, but are directly supervised by other faculty




  1. Roscoe, R. (Ed.), Chiou, E. (Ed.), Wooldridge, A. (Ed.). (2020). Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Through Human Systems Engineering. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Note: Winner of the Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2020 Award; the Choice OAT Award represents the highest caliber of scholarly titles that have been reviewed by Choice and conveys the extraordinary recognition of the academic community.


Published or Accepted Refereed Archival Journal Publications

  1. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., **Schroeer, K., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Rusy, D., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rahal, R., Springman, S. & Gurses, A. P. (2022) Care Transitions of Trauma Patients: Processes with Articulation Work Before and After Handoff. Applied Ergonomics.
  2. Hanson K., Shaikh, N., Wooldridge, A. R., Kendhari, H., Krzyzaniak, S., Riech, T., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Mischler, M., Ebert-Allen, R., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Wolfe, D., Croland, T. Use of an Augmented Reality Application for Pediatric Code Cart and Resuscitation Training. (2021) BMJ Innovations. doi:1136/bmjinnov-2020-000628
  3. Wooldridge, A. R., **Ramadhani, W. A., Hanson K., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Kendhari, H., Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Farmer, J. N., Ebert-Allen, R. &Croland, T. (2021). Walking the Line: Performance Barriers and Facilitators in an Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Pediatric Code Cart Training. Ergonomics.
  4. Wooldridge, A. R. (2021). The Time is Now: Developing Ergonomics for Equity and Justice through Intersectionality. Ergonomics SA : Journal of the Ergonomics Society of South Africa, 32(1), 10-18.
  5. Kianfar, S., Hundt, A. S., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Salek, D., Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P. (2021) Understanding Care Transition Notifications for Chronically Ill Patients. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering.
  6. King, W. P., Amos, J., Azer, M., Baker, D., Bashir, R., Best, C., Bethke, E., Boppart, S. A., Bralts, E., Dietkus, R., Durack, G., Elbel, S., Elliott, G., Fava, J., Goldenfeld, N., Goldstein, M. H., Hayes, C., Herndon, N., Jamison, S., Johnson, B., Johnson, H., Johnson, M., Kolaczynski, J., Lee, T., Maslov, S., McGregor, D., Milner, D., Moller, R., Mosley, J., Musser, A., Newberger, M., O’Bryan, L.., O’Leary, J., Pagano, A., Philpott, M., Pianfetti, B., Pille, A., Pizzuto, L., Rubessa, M., Rylowicz, S., Shipleys, C., Stewart, B., Switzky, R., Tawfick, S., Wheelers, M., White, K., Wood, E., Wood, C., & Wooldridge, A. R. (2020). Emergency ventilator for COVID-19. PLOS One, 15(12), e0244963.
  7. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Eithun, E., Brazelton, T., Ross, J., Kohler, J. E., Kelly, M. M., Dean, S. M., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. P. (2020). Work System Barriers and Facilitators in Inpatient Care Transitions of Pediatric Trauma Patients. Applied Ergonomics, 85, 103059.
  8. Carayon, P., Wooldridge, A. R., Hoonakker, P., Hundt, A. S., Kelly, M. M. (2020). SEIPS 3.0: Human-Centered Design of the Patient Journey. Applied Ergonomics, 84, 103033.
  9. Hoonakker, P., Wooldridge, A., Hose, B. Z., Carayon, P., Eithun, B., Brazelton, T., … & Rusy, D. (2019). Things Falling Through the Cracks: Information Loss During Pediatric Trauma Care Transitions. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 14(5): 797-805.
  10. Hose, B.-Z., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Wooldridge, A. R., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Gurses, A., Feckler, J. & Carayon, P. (2019) Physicians’ Perceptions of the Problem List in Pediatric Trauma Care. Applied Clinical Informatics, 10(1):113-122.
  11. Carayon, P., Wooldridge, A. R., Hose, B.-Z., Salwei, M. & Benneyan, J. (2018) Improving Patient Safety Through Human Factors and Systems Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges. Health Affairs, 37(11), 1862-1869.
  12. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Durojaiye, A. & Gurses, A. P. (2019). Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Implications for Multi-Level Awareness. Cognition, Technology and Work, 21: 397-416. doi:10.1007/s10111-018-0520-0.
  13. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D. W. (2018). Quantifying the Qualitative with Epistemic Network Analysis: A Human Factors Case Study of Task-Allocation Communication in a Primary Care Team. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/24725579.2017.1418769
  14. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hundt, A. S., & Hoonakker, P. L. T. (2017). SEIPS-based process modeling in primary care. Applied Ergonomics, 60, 240-254.
  15. Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., & Wooldridge, A. (2015). A systematic review of mixed methods research on human factors and ergonomics in health care. Applied Ergonomics, 51, 291-321.


Invited Book Chapters


  1. Wooldridge, A. R. & Rogers, W. (2021) Patient Ergonomics in Disability and Aging. In R. Holden & R. Valdez (Ed.), The Patient Factor: Applications of Patient Ergonomics, Volume II (pp. 139-162). Boca Raton: CRC Press
  2. Carayon, P., & Wooldridge, A. R. (2020). Improving Patient Safety in the Patient Journey: Contributions from Human Factors Engineering. In A. E. Smith (Ed.), Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering: Key Advances and Perspectives on Emerging Topics (pp. 275-299). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  3. Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., & Wooldridge, A. (2015). Organizational design: Macroergonomics as a foundation for human systems integration. In D. A. Boehm-Davis, F. T. Durso & J. D. Lee (Eds.), APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration (1 ed., pp. pp.573-588). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.


Items at Conferences


Refereed Published Conference Proceedings (Oral Presentations)


  1. Shum, S B., Irgens, G. A., Moots, H., Phillips, M., Shah, M., Vega, H. & Wooldridge, A. R. (Accepted). Participatory Quantitative Ethnography. Submitted to the International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography 2021.
  2. Boisvenue, J. J., Jung, H. S., Jung, S., Poplov, V., Ruis, A. R., Wooldridge, A. R., Zorgo, A. (Accepted). Considerations for the use of Quantitative Ethnography in Healthcare. Submitted to the International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography 2021.
  3. Robertson, M., Hallbeck, S., Cohen, T., Parush, A., Wooldridge, A. R., Waterson, P. (Accepted). Human Factors/Ergonomics and Systems in Healthcare – Session II. Accepted to HSI2021.
  4. *Hale-Lopez, K. L., Wooldridge, A. R., Goldstein, M. H. (2021). Using Technology to Support Distributed Teams: A Work System-Based Study of an Interdisciplinary Team Responding to COVID-19. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 65, No. 1). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Note: Winner of Health Care Technical Group Marilyn Sue Bogner Student Paper Award.
  5. **Lusebrink, R., Wooldridge, A. R., *Spiwak, M., (2021). Advancing Equitable and Just Practices in Human Factors and Ergonomics. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 65, No. 1). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  6. *Spiwak, M., Wooldridge, A. R., **Lusebrink, R. (2021). Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in Human Factors. Accepted to the 65th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
  7. Wooldridge, A. R., Rogers, C. C., Reid, C. R., Valdez, R. S., Endsley, M., Holden, R. J., Sommerich, C. M., Thatcher, A. (2021). Being Bold: How HFES Can Encourage Responsible, Timely and Participative Ergonomics to Address Societal Issues. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 65, No. 1). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Wooldridge, A. R., DiFilippo, K. N., Holden, R. J., Ozkaynak, M., Yu, D. (2021). Improving Health Through the Application of Ergonomics to Food Practices. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 65, No. 1). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  8. Wooldridge, A. R. (2021). The Application of Systems Ergonomics to the Design of a Mobile COVID-19 Laboratory. In: Black N.L., Neumann W.P., Noy I. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 222. Springer, Cham.
  9. Jung, S., Popov, V., Ruis, A. R., Wooldridge, A. R., Zörgo, S. (2021). Quantitative Ethnography in the Clinic. In: Ruis, A. R. & Lee, S. B. (eds) Second International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography Conference Proceedings Supplement ( 98-104). The International Society for Quantitative Ethnography.
  10. **Heuck, E. & Wooldridge, A. R. (2020). Comparing Physician and Nurse Opinions of Team and Individual Handoffs: Does Role Influence Preference? In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 613-617). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  11. *Morgan, J., Wooldridge, A. , *Composto, A., **Mitchell, A., **Ramadhani, W., **Roychowdhury, J., Hanson, K., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Kendhari, H., Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Farmer, J. N., Ebert-Allen, R., Croland, T. (2020). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mobile, Augmented Reality Pediatric Code Cart Education Application. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 1028-1032). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Note: Winner of Health Care Technical Group Marilyn Sue Bogner Student Paper Award.
  12. Wooldridge, A. R., Roscoe, R. D., Roberts, S. C., Valdez, R. S. (2020). Designing for Diversity: Implications for Research and Practice. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 563-567). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  13. Rogers, C., Valdez, R., Gilbert, J. E., Morales, K. L., Montague, E., Rogers, W., Thatcher, A., Wooldridge, A. R. (2020). Scaling Our Impact: Emerging Human Factors Applications Addressing Societal Challenges. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 863-867). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  14. Beadle, S., Spain, R., Goldberg, B., Ebnali, M., Bailey, S., Ciccone, B., Wilson, R., Rubensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., Hu, X., Reiner, A., Vasquez, H., Wooldridge, A. R., Lee, L., Verma, P., Jeong, H., Gisick, L., French, J., & Keebler, J. (2020). Virtual reality, augmented reality, and virtual environments: Demonstrations of current technologies and future directions. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 2119-2123). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  15. Wooldridge, A. R., **Heuck, E., Jeziorczak, P. M., Gehlback, J. A. (2020). “Accidental” Design in Participatory Simulation. In Charles, R. & Golightly, D. (eds) Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2020. Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors: Birmingham, UK. Note: these are proceedings of Organizational Design and Management 2020 and Ergonomics of Human Factors Conference 2020; this paper was submitted to Organizational Design and Management.
  16. Wooldridge, A. , **Ramadhani, W., **Roychowdhury, J., **Mitchell, A., Croland, T., Hanson, K., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Kendhari, H., Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Farmer, J. N., Ebert-Allen, R. (2020). Systemic Consequences of an Augmented Reality Mobile Paediatric Code Cart Application. In Charles, R. & Golightly, D. (eds) Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2020. Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors: Birmingham, UK. Note: these are proceedings of Organizational Design and Management 2020 and Ergonomics and Human Factors Conference 2020; this paper was submitted to Organizational Design and Management.
  17. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Kelly, M. M., Brazelton, T. B., Eithun, B., Dean, S. M., Kohler, J. E., Ross, J. C., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. P. (2020). Contextual Factors Influencing Barriers and Facilitators in Paediatric Trauma Care Transitions. In Charles, R. & Golightly, D. (eds) Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2020. Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors: Birmingham, UK. Note: these are proceedings of Organizational Design and Management 2020 and Ergonomics and Human Factors Conference 2020; this paper was submitted to Ergonomics and Human Factors.
  18. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Dean, S., Kelly, M. M., Kohler, J., Ross, J., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. P. (2019). Team Cognition as a Barrier and Facilitator in Care Transitions: Implications for Work System Design. InProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 648-652). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  19. Wooldridge, A. R., Benda, N., Smith-Jackson, T. L., Nguyen, T., Gomes, K., Valdez, R., Wesley, D. B., Stonewall, J. (2019). HFE in Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice: A Practical Primer. InProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 636-639). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  20. Wooldridge A.R. & *Haefli R. (2019) Using Epistemic Network Analysis to Explore Outcomes of Care Transitions. In: Eagan B., Misfeldt M., Siebert-Evenstone A. (eds) Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. ICQE 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1112. Springer, Cham. Note: Recognized as Best Paper of the conference.
  21. Hoonakker, P., Wooldridge, A., Hose, B. Z., Carayon, P., Eithun, B., Brazelton, T., … & Rusy, D. (2018, August). Things Falling Through the Cracks: Information Loss During Pediatric Trauma Care Transitions. InCongress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 479-488). Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96098-2_60
  22. Hose, B. Z., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Wooldridge, A., Brazelton, T., Dean, S., … Gurses, A.(2018). Challenges of disposition decision making for pediatric trauma patients in the emergency department. In S. Bagnara, Y. Fujita, R. Tartaglia, S. Albolino, & T. Alexander (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) – Volume I: Healthcare Ergonomics (pp. 339-345). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 818). Springer Verlag. DOI: 1007/978-3-319-96098-2_44
  23. Waterson, P., Wooldridge, A., Wooldridge, A., Sesto, M., Gurses, A., Holden, R., … & Waterson, P. (2018, September). Improving Care Transitions in Healthcare: A Human Factors/Ergonomics (HFE) Approach. InProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 551-555). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  24. Wooldridge, A. R., Nguyen, T., Valdez, R., Montague, E., Milner, M. N., Dorneich, M. C., & Roscoe, R. (2018, September). Human Factors and Ergonomics in Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice Research. InProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 447-449). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  25. Chiou, E., Wooldridge, A. R., Price, M., Mosqueda, E., & Roscoe, R. (2017). The Diversity Committee – Challenges and Opportunities for Involvement. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1) 498-500.
  26. Wooldridge, A. R., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Gurses, A. P., Carman, E.-M., Waterson, P., & Sesto, M. (2017). Designing and Managing Healthcare Transitions. In M. Fraser and M. Robertson (Eds.), Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management – XII (pp.538-541) Banff, Canada: Association of Canadian Ergonomists.
  27. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Musa, A., & Bain, P. (2016). Technology-Mediated Communication between Patients and Primary Care Clinicians and Staff: Ambiguity in Secure Messaging. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 60(1), 556-560.
  28. Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., & Wooldridge, A. R. (2014). The use of mixed methods in healthcare human factors and ergonomics research. In O. Broberg, N. Fallentin, P. Hasle, P. L. Jensen, A. Kabel, M.E. Larsen & T. Weller (Eds.), Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management – XI (pp. 615-619). Copenhagen, Denmark: CPH Conference.


Refereed Published Conference Abstracts (Oral Presentations)


  1. Wooldridge, A. , **Ramadhani, W., Hanson, K., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Kendhari, H., Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Farmer, J. N., Ebert-Allen, R., Croland, T. (2021). Achieving Balance Between Work System Barriers and Facilitators in the Use of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application. Presented at the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association.
  2. Wooldridge, A. R. & *Hale-Lopez, K. (2021). Human Factors/Ergonomics-Based Process Analysis and Improvement of a COVID-19 Laboratory Testing Process. Presented at the Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference 2021.


Refereed Conference Abstracts (Poster Presentations)


  1. Wooldridge, A. R., Tan, Y. & Eagan, B. (Accepted). Integrating Interdependence and Temporality in the Analysis of Team Cognition: Comparing ENA and dENA. Submitted to the International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography 2021.
  2. **Ramadhani, W., Wooldridge, A. , **Roychowdhury, J., **Mitchell, A., Hanson, K., Vazquez-Melendez, E., Kendhari, H., Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K. T., Abbott, Z. R., Farmer, J. N., Ebert-Allen, R., Croland, T. (2020). Negotiating Time and Space: Investigating the Pediatric Code Cart Augmented Reality Application. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 1365-1366). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  3. Wooldridge, A. R., Pascale Carayon, Peter Hoonakker, Bat-Zion Hose, Tom Brazelton, Ben Eithun, Joshua Ross, Jonathan Kohler, Michelle M. Kelly, Shannon Dean, Deborah Rusy, Ayse P. Gurses. (2019) A Macroergonomic Framework to Understand Team Cognition in Care Transitions. 2019 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Symposium, March 24-27, 2019, Chicago, Illinois.
  4. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. (2017). Understanding Team Complexity in Pediatric Trauma Care. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Symposium, March 5-8, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  5. Hose, B.-Z., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Wooldridge, A. R., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. (2017). Information Need of Physicians in Pediatric Trauma Care. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Symposium, March 5-8, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  6. Wooldridge, A. R., Hoover, S. R., & Holman, G. T., (2013). “Evaluation of Current Simulation Methods in and their Impact in Healthcare.” Society for Health Systems Conference 2013, March 1 – 4, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  7. Wooldridge, A. R., Kello, J., Mueller, M., (2011). “Using Simulation to Develop a Productivity Standard in a Pre-Admission Testing Department.” INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting, November 13 – 16, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  8. Gentry, E., Wooldridge, A. R., DePuy, G. W., (2011). “Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Improving Patient Throughput Time.” Society for Health Systems Conference 2011, February 17 – 20, Orlando, Florida.


Presentations at Local Conferences and Research Forums


  1. *Hale-Lopez, K. L., *Angdoko, G. A., Wooldridge, A. R. (2021) Using SEIPS-based process modeling to design a mobile laboratory for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing. The Grainger College of Engineering Fall 2021 Engineering Research Fair, September 30, 2021, Urbana, Illinois.
  2. *Carvalho, C., *Yuceel, A. U., *Composto, A., Chronopoulou, A., Wooldridge, A. R. (2021) Monitoring Stress of Healthcare Workers at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. The Grainger College of Engineering Fall 2021 Engineering Research Fair, September 30, 2021, Urbana, Illinois.
  3. **Mitchell, A., Wooldridge, A. R., **Ramadhani, W., **Roychowdhury, J., Croland, T., Hanson, K., Melendez, E., Kendhari, L. Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K., Abbott, Z., Ebert-Allen, R. (2019) Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Code Cart Application Using Eye-Tracking Technology. 2019 Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers National Conference Engineering Science Symposium, October 30 – November 3, Phoenix, Arizona. Note: Won third place in poster competition.
  4. **Roychowdhury, J., Wooldridge, A. R., **Ramadhani, W., **Mitchell, A., Croland, T., Hanson, K., Melendez, E., Kendhari, L. Shaikh, N., Riech, T., Mischler, M., Krzyzaniak, S., Barton, G., Formella, K., Abbott, Z., Ebert-Allen, R. (2019) Examining Perceived Usefulness of Features of an Augmented Reality (AR) Code Cart Education Application. 2019 iSchool Research Showcase, October 30, 2019, Urbana, Illinois.
  5. **Mitchell, A., Wooldridge, A. R., **Ramadhani, W., **Roychowdhury, J. (2019) Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Code Cart Application Using Eye-Tracking Technology. The Grainger College of Engineering Research Fair and International Research Symposium, September 5, 2019, Urbana, Illinois.
  6. *Burgard, M. & Wooldridge, A. R. (2019) Work System Factors Influencing Team Cognition in Handoffs. The Grainger College of Engineering Research Fair and International Research Symposium, September 5, 2019, Urbana, Illinois.
  7. **Kaufman, M. L., Wooldridge, A. R., Pionke, J. J. (2019) A Review of Human Factors Engineering Research to Address Health Inequity. The Grainger College of Engineering Research Fair and International Research Symposium, September 5, 2019, Urbana, Illinois.
  8. Wooldridge, A. R., Pascale Carayon, Peter Hoonakker, Bat-Zion Hose, Tom Brazelton, Ben Eithun, Joshua Ross, Jonathan Kohler, Michelle M. Kelly, Shannon Dean, Deborah Rusy, Ayse P. Gurses. (2018) A Macroergonomic Framework to Understand Team Cognition in Care Transitions. Johns Hopkins Symposium on Engineering in Healthcare, November 19, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland.
  9. Wooldridge, A. R., Pascale Carayon, Peter Hoonakker, Bat-Zion Hose, Tom Brazelton, Ben Eithun, Joshua Ross, Jonathan Kohler, Michelle M. Kelly, Shannon Dean, Deborah Rusy, Ayse P. Gurses. (2018) A Macroergonomic Framework to Understand Team Cognition in Care Transitions. 5th Health Care Engineering Systems Symposium and Interactive Medical Simulation Exposition, September 17, 2018, Champaign, Illinois.
  10. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Durojaiye, A. & Gurses, A. (2018) Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Understanding Patient Pathways. National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting and Symposium: Transforming Healthcare Through Engineering, May 3, Madison, Wisconsin.
  11. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Durojaiye, A. & Gurses, A. (2018) Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Understanding Patient Pathways. Wisconsin Institute for Healthcare Systems Engineering 2018 Conference, May 2, Madison, Wisconsin.
  12. McGeorge, N. M., Durojaiye, As. B., Fackler, J. C., Xie, A., Rosen, M. A., Hunt, E. A., Stewart, D., Puett, L. L., Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Gurses, A. P. (2016). Pediatric Trauma Care Transitions: Understanding Teamwork for Health IT Design. Seventh Annual Johns Hopkins Medicine Patient Safety Summit: Working Together to Achieve Zero Preventable Harm, October 2016, Baltimore, MD.
  13. Cartmill, R., Wooldridge, A. R., Cheema, S., Hoffmann, A., Steege, L., Du, S., Beasley, J., Hahn, D., Smith, P.,Vidaver, R., Wetterneck, T. B. (2016). “The Complicated Application of GDTA to Primary Care.” I-Practise Annual Conference, April 24-26, Madison, Wisconsin.
  14. Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hundt, A. S., Cartmill, R., Hoonakker, P., Kianfar, S. (2016). “SEIPS-Based Workflow Modeling in Primary Care.” UW Resident and Student Quality Improvement Symposium, April 14, Madison, Wisconsin.
  15. Wooldridge, A. R., Goldstein, R., (2006). “The Genetics of Familial Non-Medullary Thyroid Cancer,” Junior Science and Humanities Symposium 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico.